The Persistent Road Blog Tour

The Persistent Road by Tim Bishop went on a blog tour sponsored by Celebrate Lit from August 26 to September 8, 2023, following its June 20, 2023 launch. Links to the relevant webpages of the bloggers who participated in the tour appear below. With one additional review not listed, the novel received twelve reviews with a composite rating of 4.42 stars. There were five author interviews.

ReviewBook Reviews From an Avid Reader
InterviewFor the Love of Literature
ReviewThe Book Club Network
InterviewBlossoms and Blessings
ReviewDebbie’s Dusty Deliberations
ReviewTexas Book-aholic
ReviewCover Lover Book Review
InterviewSplashes of Joy
ReviewLocks, Hooks and Books
InterviewAdventures of a Travelers Wife
ReviewBecca Hope: Book Obsessed
ReviewBecause I said so — and other adventures in Parenting
InterviewArtistic Nobody
ReviewBlogging With Carol
ReviewTruth and Grace Homeschool Academy
ReviewHappily Managing a Household of Boys