Interview Tim Bishop

Sample Questions

1. What was childhood like in Houlton, Maine?
2. How did you become a Christian?
3. Who were the signficant influencers in your life?
4. Tell us about your journey into marriage.
5. How did the bicycle travel come about?
6. What is hope coaching and how did it come about?
7. Why did you decide to become a writer?
8. How did your career in corporate finance prepare you for what you are doing today?

1. Tell us about the books you coauthored with your wife, Debbie.
2. Wheels of Wisdom won some awards. Why do you think it stood out?
3. What do you like about writing devotionals?
4. Tell us about your business book, Hedging Demystified.
5. What was the inspiration behind The Persistent Road?
6. What do you hope readers take away from your novel?

1. How long does it take to write a novel and prepare it for publication?
2. Which is harder: fiction or nonfiction?
3. Where does your inspiration to write come from?
4. How did you get involved writing for CBN?

1. What advice do you have for someone who wants to publish their first book but doesn’t know where to start?
2. What collaborators are needed to independently publish a quality book?
3. What is the best marketing advice you can offer fellow authors?
4. What ways have you sold books and which worked best?
5. What is one regret you have in your publishing endeavors?

1. How has your business background helped you in writing and publishing?
2. What job functions have you performed in business? Which was most interesting?
3. What did you like best about working in business?
4. Tell us about Hedging Demystified.
5. What was it like to trade commodity futures and options?

1. What is TheHopeLine?
2. What are common issues you encounter when coaching people on TheHopeLine?
3. What is the best way to help someone in despair?
4. How do you handle someone who is thinking about killing themself?

1. Why tour?
2. What is the most challenging aspect of touring?
3. What are some of the risks?
4. What are some recommendations for someone who is planning their first tour?
5. What are some of the favorite places you’ve visited.
6. Tell us about a touring experience that made you wonder whether you would make it to your destination.

1. What is it that you enjoy about chess?
2. What important things does chess teach about life?
3. Under fun facts on your website, it says that a former world champion watched one of your games. Tell us about that.
4. How long does it take to play a game in a chess tournament?
5. Tell us about your most exciting game.

1. How has your faith sustained you?
2. Readers of Two Are Better know that eagles are significant to you and Debbie. Please explain.
3. You’ve participated in some church plants. What do you take away from those experiences?
4. What is the hardest lesson that God taught you?
5. When you see Jesus face-to-face, what will you ask or say to Him?

For additional questions, check out these or these from the Open Road Press website.
