Tim Bishop's Newsletter Archive


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April 2024

Invasive Technology, Book review of Trans Life Survivors by Walt Heyer, Mid-south CWC, “most powerful book I’ve read this decade”

Breaking New Ground, NRB Convention, “Good Grief”

Grief, “Redeeming Time”, Notable Book Award, audiobook release of The Persistent Road

Gender Confusion, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield, Williamson Herald article

Covetousness, “What Do You Value Most?”, “Preserving the Joy of Christmas”

Complacency in America, “Today’s News Is Murder”, youth missions in Ukraine/Ends Cycling, giveaway contests

Encouragement, Deena Adams interview, Wisdom from the Heart podcast, and Hedging Demystified audiobook, Katie Shands review of The Persistent Road

Communication, interview and audio content, Midwest Book Review, Review of Powner novel

Summer road trip, blog tour, Christian Product Expo,  Faith Radio interview, submission to authority

The Persistent Road book launch, disappointment

Ace Collins endorsement, countdown to launch, anxiety

Assembling launch team, isolation revisited, Bradley endorsement

Isolation, hopelessness, NetGalley, Powner endorsement

When All Seems Lost, discouragement, cover reveal

Filtering Inputs to Thought Life

Preserving the Joy of Christmas, holiday blues

Fatherlessness, gratitude amid redemption

Self-worth, drying out wet cycling shoes

What’s in a name?, bicycle route selection

Stubbornness, bicycle helmets

anxiety, selecting a book title

suicide, National Civil Rights Museum, Golden Gate Bridge

abandonment, Montana Children’s Home, finding a travel companion

relationships, multitasking on a bicycle, “What Do You Value Most?”

grief, “The High Cost of Stubbornness”

cutting/self-harm, Santa Monica pier, “The Power of Consequences”

loneliness, Bixby Bridge, “Wondering about Wandering”